I Had a Fit of Anger… Key Takeways.

Anger comes in many different shapes and intensity and is often hard to manage. It can range from mildly infuriating to I-Want-To-Burn-A-Building-Right-Now, so we really need to be mindful about this emotion to not let it take over.
Always be careful around Tricksters and Liars.

Sometimes, you will find that people try to trick you into believing or doing certain things that go against your values.
Gratitude May Very Well Be What You Are Missing In Your Life.

Sometimes we have the impression that nothing is going our way, as if the universe was against us. We start to see the negative and we forget little by little all the good things we have.
Dark Times Do Make Us Stronger.

I do believe that you can learn new things and hone your skills while you are not feeling well. Sometimes it may feel like everything comes to a stop when we are going through tough times, but it’s not entirely true.
Use the Thrill of Survival Mode to Bring Light to Your Life.

Modern life can often feel boring, with routine taking over and the same old stuff prevails over new experiences. In such moments, one can often feel unfulfilled, bored or even lifeless…
Meditation Will Help You Immensly, But Do Not Forget that It’s Not Magic.

Whenever I mention my depression or my feelings of despair, people often suggest trying to live in the present moment, or meditate, or breathe, or practice full awareness, but whenever I am in such a bad state, these things only seem to make everything worse.
I Have an Ache Inside That I Cannot Explain.

I’m not sure how to write about what I am feeling… I have some sort of lingering discomfort and I’d like to talk about it.
Losing Someone Close Is Painful But There Is Hope. When My Father Died…

Living through the death of a loved one is probably one of the hardest things you will go through in your entire lifetime. At least that’s how it felt for me all the way through my father’s battle against cancer.
An Allegory From A Bipolar. What It Feels Like To Be Bipolar with Imagery.

Bipolarity is especially characterized by its 2 extreme phases. The highs (manic phase) and the lows (depressive phase). These phases are so far apart from each other at times that it makes me think of bipolar as a perpetual parachute jump.
How Growth Will Affect Your Life In Profound Ways.

Growth is one of the things people are most afraid of.
We’re afraid because it requires us to accept that we’re flawed.
We need to accept our flaws if we want to overcome them, and grow.