I do believe that you can learn new things and hone your skills while you are not feeling well. Sometimes it may feel like everything comes to a stop when we are going through tough times, but it’s not entirely true.
Yes, you may have less energy;
You may not be capable of taking care of yourself at times;
you may work less;
You may sleep more;
but you are here fighting, and that alone is big enough to be proud.
By nature, when times are tough, everything becomes harder to do, but if by any miracle you are still doing it, then you are training yourself to do it better or more easily for when good times come.
Things also become easier over time, making it easier to stay afloat when bad times come.
So my mantra is this: Always push forward but don’t blame yourself if you can’t seem to function sometimes. Be gentle with yourself, but at least try. You may even surprise yourself.